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Quick Start ( 빠른 설치 )

The steps below provide an overview of how to get started with the Android SDK.

(자세한 설치정보 )
 For detailed instructions, start with the Installing the SDK guide.


1. Prepare your development computer (개발 컴퓨터 준비)

Read the System Requirements document and make sure that your development computer meets the hardware and software requirements for the Android SDK.

자바 컴파일러가 필요한데,, 그건 JDK를 설치해야 한다. JRE는 아니다.

Install any additional software needed before downloading the Android SDK.
In particular, you may need to install the JDK (version 5 or 6 required)

그리고 개발 비쥬얼 환경은 이클립스를 사용하고, 안드로이드 메뉴를 추가해야 한다.
and Eclipse (version 3.4 or 3.5, needed only if you want develop using the ADT Plugin).



2. Download and install the SDK starter package
( 안드로이드 SDK시작 패키지 다운로드 및 설치 )

Select a starter package from the table at the top of this page and download it to your development computer. To install the SDK, simply unpack the starter package to a safe location and then add the location to your PATH.

 안드로이드 클래스의 모음이 필요하다.

    Android SDK Starter Package



3. Install the ADT Plugin for Eclipse
( 이클립스 설치 와 ADT Plugin 설치 for 이클립스 )

- 이클립스는 범용 개발 환경이라 안드로이드 개발환경을 추가해야 한다.

If you are developing in Eclipse, set up a remote update site at

ADT(안드로이드 개발 툴)이 필요하다...

Install the Android Development Tools (ADT) Plugin,
 restart Eclipse, and set the "Android" preferences in Eclipse to point to the SDK install location.

For detailed instructions, see ADT Plugin for Eclipse.


4. Add Android platforms and other components to your SDK
 ( 추가 안드로이드 ) - 1번에서 동시에 발생

Use the Android SDK and AVD Manager, included in the SDK starter package, to add one or more Android platforms (for example, Android 1.6 or Android 2.0) and other components to your SDK.

If you aren't sure what to add, see Which components do I need?

To launch the Android SDK and AVD Manager on Windows, execute SDK Setup.exe, at the root of the SDK directory. On Mac OS X or Linux, execute the android tool in the <sdk>/tools/ folder. For detailed instructions, see Adding SDK Components.


If you are new to Android, you can use the Hello World tutorial to get started quickly. Next Steps offers other suggestions of how to begin.

For a more detailed guide to installing and setting up the SDK, read Installing the SDK.

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