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The projects

Table 1. Helios projects
Project Synopsis Website
Acceleo A pragmatic implementation of the OMG MOF Model to Text Language (MTL) standard http://eclipse.org/acceleo
Accessibility Tools Framework (ACTF) Build applications and content for people with disabilities http://eclipse.org/actf
Amalgam Improved packaging and usability of Eclipse Modeling projects http://eclipse.org/amalgam
Atlas Transformation Language (ATL) A model transformation language and toolkit http://eclipse.org/m2m/atl
BPMN Modeler A business process diagram editor for business analysts http://eclipse.org/bpmn
Buckminster A set of frameworks and tools for automating build, assemble and deploy processes http://eclipse.org/buckminster
Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT) Generate reports http://eclipse.org/birt
C/C++ Development Tooling (CDT) Code C/C++ http://eclipse.org/cdt
Connected Data Objects (CDO) Model Repository A distributed shared model framework for EMF models and meta models http://eclipse.org/cdo
Dali Java™ persistence tools http://eclipse.org/dali
Data Tools Platform (DTP) Extensible frameworks and tools for working with databases http://eclipse.org/datatools
Dynamic Languages Toolkit (DLTK) Extensible frameworks and tools for working with dynamic languages http://eclipse.org/dltk
Eclipse Communication Framework (ECF) A framework for supporting the development of distributed tools and applications http://eclipse.org/ecf
EclipseLink Add persistence to your application http://eclipse.org/eclipselink
Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) Modeling framework and code generation facilities http://eclipse.org/emf
Eclipse Packaging Project (EPP) Create packages and Eclipse distributions http://eclipse.org/epp
Ecore Tools Edit your EMF models graphically http://eclipse.org/modeling/emft/?project=ecoretools
EGit Use Git within Eclipse http://eclipse.org/egit
EMF Compare Support for comparing and merging EMF models http://eclipse.org/modeling/emft/?project=compare
Equinox Implementation of the OSGi core framework specification http://eclipse.org/equinox
Extended Editing Framework (EEF) Improve the way you edit EMF models http://eclipse.org/modeling/emft/?project=eef
Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) Develop graphical applications http://eclipse.org/gef
Graphical Modeling Framework (GMF) Develop graphical editors using EMF http://eclipse.org/gmf
Java Development Tools (JDT) Code Java technology http://eclipse.org/jdt
Java Emitter Templates (JET) A code-generation library http://eclipse.org/modeling/m2t/?project=jet
JavaScript Development Tools (JSDT) Code JavaScript http://eclipse.org/webtools/jsdt
JavaServer Faces (JSF) Tools Develop JSF applications http://eclipse.org/webtools/jsf
Java Workflow Tooling (JWT) Tools for workflows and processes http://eclipse.org/jwt
Jetty A fast and powerful web server-related technology http://eclipse.org/jetty
JGit A Java implementation of Git http://eclipse.org/jgit
Linux Tools Integrates GNU Autotools, Valgrind, OProfile, SystemTap into Eclipse http://eclipse.org/linuxtools
Marketplace Client (MPC) Install features from the Eclipse Marketplace http://eclipse.org/mpc
MDT UML2 An EMF-based implementation of the Unified Modeling Language 2 http://eclipse.org/modeling/mdt/?project=uml2
MDT OCL An EMF-based implementation of the Object Constraint Language http://eclipse.org/modeling/mdt/?project=ocl
MDT XSD An EMF-based implementation of the XML Schema Definition http://eclipse.org/modeling/mdt/?project=xsd
Memory Analyzer (MAT) Find memory leaks and analyze heap dumps http://eclipse.org/mat
Mint JDT and EMF integration http://eclipse.org/modeling/emft/?project=mint
Mobile Tools for Java (MTJ) Mobile device Java application development http://eclipse.org/dsdp/mtj/
Model To Text (M2T) Generate textual artifacts from models http://eclipse.org/m2t
Modeling Team Framework EMF meets software configuration management http://eclipse.org/modeling/emft
Modeling Workflow Engine (MWE) Model processing workflows for EMF http://eclipse.org/modeling/emft/?project=mwe
MoDisco An extensible framework to develop model-driven tools http://eclipse.org/MoDisco
Mylyn Task management for Eclipse http://eclipse.org/mylyn
Net4j An extensible client-server system http://eclipse.org/modeling/emft/?project=net4j
Parallel Tools Platform (PTP) Tooling for parallel application development http://eclipse.org/ptp
Photran Code Fortran http://eclipse.org/photran
PHP Development Tools (PDT) Code PHP http://eclipse.org/pdt
Plug-in Development Environment (PDE) Tooling for Eclipse and OSGi-based applications http://eclipse.org/pde
Rich Ajax Platform (RAP) Run your RCP applications on the web http://eclipse.org/rap
Service Component Architecture (SCA) Tools Tools for SCA http://eclipse.org/stp/sca
Sequoyah Tools and frameworks for mobile application development http://eclipse.org/sequoyah
SOA Tools Develop SOA-based applications http://www.eclipse.org/stp
Subversive Work with SVN http://eclipse.org/subversive
Swordfish An extensible SOA framework based on Equinox http://eclipse.org/swordfish
Target Management Configure and manage remote systems http://eclipse.org/dsdp/tm
Teneo A database persistenc solution for EMF using Hibernate or EclipseLink http://eclipse.org/modeling/emft/?project=teneo
Test and Performance Tools Platform (TPTP) Tooling for profiling and testing applications http://eclipse.org/tptp
Xtext A framework for developing DSLs http://eclipse.org/xtext
Web Tools Platform (WTP) Code Web and Java EE applications http://eclipse.org/webtools

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