Learning the Interface
First Launch
Let's begin learning Unity. (유니티를 배우기를 시작합시다.)
If you have not yet opened Unity, (유니티를 열지 않았다면)
you can find it inside on Windows, or on Mac. The Unity Editor will appear.
Take your time to look over the Unity Editor interface and familiarize yourself with it.
The Main Editor Window(메인 편집 윈도우) is made up of several Tabbed Windows(몇개의 탭 윈도우로 구성되는),
called Views(뷰라고 불리는).
There are several types of Views in Unity, each with a specific purpose.
(유니티에는 몇가지 유형의 뷰가 있다, 각각 특정한 목적을 가지고 있다)
Project View
Other Views
The Views described on this page covers the basics of the interface in Unity. The other Views in Unity are described elsewhere on separate pages:
- The Console shows logs of messages, warnings, and errors.
- The Animation View can be used to animate objects in the scene.
- The Profiler can be used to investigate and find the performance bottle-necks in your game.
프로필러는 게임에서 조사하고 속도 병목을 찾는데 사용될 수 있다 - The Asset Server View can be used to manage version control of the project using Unity's Asset Server.
- The Lightmapping View can be used to manage lightmaps using Unity's built-in lightmapping.
- The Occlusion Culling View can be used to manage Occlusion Culling for improved performance.
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