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Oracle Virtual Box

* 호스트(Windows)에서 게스트(Linux)로 ssh 접속하기

참조 : http://ysoftman.blogspot.co.id/2010/11/virtualbox-windows-linux-ssh.html



1. Host 전용네트워크 설정

1) 어댑터 :

2)DHCP서버 : [v] 서버 사용함,



2. CentOS설정

1) 어댑터1 : NAT

  (1) 포트 포워딩 설정 : 호스트IP:22, 게스트IP(192,168.56.101):22 추가

  2)어댑터2 : 호스트전용어댑터

* Virtual Box에서 가상머신 만들기의 종류가 32bit만 보일때

참조 : gobawi.tistory.co/90

- 바이오스(Bios)의 CPU설정 부분의 가상화 Virtual Technology는 Disabled->Enable로 변경

* ping host unreachable , host unknown 

> nmcli d

> ip addr

Setup Windows host to CentOS guest network in VirtualBox

  • 1On the Windows host:
    VirtualBox Manager CentOSName->Settings->Network Adapter2 Tab:
    Select Host-only Adapter
    Name: VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter
    Generate MAC
    Cable connected
  • 2On the CentOS guest:
    cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
    sudo vi ifcfg-eth1

  • DEVICE="eth1"
    HWADDR=08:00:07:AB:CD:EF # Must match vbox generated MAC
    IPADDR= # same network as host
    sudo service network restart

  • 3Test:
    ping centos guest from windows command line:
  • NVirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter is missing:
    VirtualBox Manager->File->Preferences->Network Host-only Networks Tab:
    Add one or customize host ip address. This ip address must match with VirtualBox Host-Only Network Adapter (IPv4 Settings).



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