
[ AD ] Port Monitor ( Try to use a Best WebSite Monitoring Tool )


The projects

Table 1. Helios projects
Project Synopsis Website
Acceleo A pragmatic implementation of the OMG MOF Model to Text Language (MTL) standard http://eclipse.org/acceleo
Accessibility Tools Framework (ACTF) Build applications and content for people with disabilities http://eclipse.org/actf
Amalgam Improved packaging and usability of Eclipse Modeling projects http://eclipse.org/amalgam
Atlas Transformation Language (ATL) A model transformation language and toolkit http://eclipse.org/m2m/atl
BPMN Modeler A business process diagram editor for business analysts http://eclipse.org/bpmn
Buckminster A set of frameworks and tools for automating build, assemble and deploy processes http://eclipse.org/buckminster
Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT) Generate reports http://eclipse.org/birt
C/C++ Development Tooling (CDT) Code C/C++ http://eclipse.org/cdt
Connected Data Objects (CDO) Model Repository A distributed shared model framework for EMF models and meta models http://eclipse.org/cdo
Dali Java™ persistence tools http://eclipse.org/dali
Data Tools Platform (DTP) Extensible frameworks and tools for working with databases http://eclipse.org/datatools
Dynamic Languages Toolkit (DLTK) Extensible frameworks and tools for working with dynamic languages http://eclipse.org/dltk
Eclipse Communication Framework (ECF) A framework for supporting the development of distributed tools and applications http://eclipse.org/ecf
EclipseLink Add persistence to your application http://eclipse.org/eclipselink
Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) Modeling framework and code generation facilities http://eclipse.org/emf
Eclipse Packaging Project (EPP) Create packages and Eclipse distributions http://eclipse.org/epp
Ecore Tools Edit your EMF models graphically http://eclipse.org/modeling/emft/?project=ecoretools
EGit Use Git within Eclipse http://eclipse.org/egit
EMF Compare Support for comparing and merging EMF models http://eclipse.org/modeling/emft/?project=compare
Equinox Implementation of the OSGi core framework specification http://eclipse.org/equinox
Extended Editing Framework (EEF) Improve the way you edit EMF models http://eclipse.org/modeling/emft/?project=eef
Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) Develop graphical applications http://eclipse.org/gef
Graphical Modeling Framework (GMF) Develop graphical editors using EMF http://eclipse.org/gmf
Java Development Tools (JDT) Code Java technology http://eclipse.org/jdt
Java Emitter Templates (JET) A code-generation library http://eclipse.org/modeling/m2t/?project=jet
JavaScript Development Tools (JSDT) Code JavaScript http://eclipse.org/webtools/jsdt
JavaServer Faces (JSF) Tools Develop JSF applications http://eclipse.org/webtools/jsf
Java Workflow Tooling (JWT) Tools for workflows and processes http://eclipse.org/jwt
Jetty A fast and powerful web server-related technology http://eclipse.org/jetty
JGit A Java implementation of Git http://eclipse.org/jgit
Linux Tools Integrates GNU Autotools, Valgrind, OProfile, SystemTap into Eclipse http://eclipse.org/linuxtools
Marketplace Client (MPC) Install features from the Eclipse Marketplace http://eclipse.org/mpc
MDT UML2 An EMF-based implementation of the Unified Modeling Language 2 http://eclipse.org/modeling/mdt/?project=uml2
MDT OCL An EMF-based implementation of the Object Constraint Language http://eclipse.org/modeling/mdt/?project=ocl
MDT XSD An EMF-based implementation of the XML Schema Definition http://eclipse.org/modeling/mdt/?project=xsd
Memory Analyzer (MAT) Find memory leaks and analyze heap dumps http://eclipse.org/mat
Mint JDT and EMF integration http://eclipse.org/modeling/emft/?project=mint
Mobile Tools for Java (MTJ) Mobile device Java application development http://eclipse.org/dsdp/mtj/
Model To Text (M2T) Generate textual artifacts from models http://eclipse.org/m2t
Modeling Team Framework EMF meets software configuration management http://eclipse.org/modeling/emft
Modeling Workflow Engine (MWE) Model processing workflows for EMF http://eclipse.org/modeling/emft/?project=mwe
MoDisco An extensible framework to develop model-driven tools http://eclipse.org/MoDisco
Mylyn Task management for Eclipse http://eclipse.org/mylyn
Net4j An extensible client-server system http://eclipse.org/modeling/emft/?project=net4j
Parallel Tools Platform (PTP) Tooling for parallel application development http://eclipse.org/ptp
Photran Code Fortran http://eclipse.org/photran
PHP Development Tools (PDT) Code PHP http://eclipse.org/pdt
Plug-in Development Environment (PDE) Tooling for Eclipse and OSGi-based applications http://eclipse.org/pde
Rich Ajax Platform (RAP) Run your RCP applications on the web http://eclipse.org/rap
Service Component Architecture (SCA) Tools Tools for SCA http://eclipse.org/stp/sca
Sequoyah Tools and frameworks for mobile application development http://eclipse.org/sequoyah
SOA Tools Develop SOA-based applications http://www.eclipse.org/stp
Subversive Work with SVN http://eclipse.org/subversive
Swordfish An extensible SOA framework based on Equinox http://eclipse.org/swordfish
Target Management Configure and manage remote systems http://eclipse.org/dsdp/tm
Teneo A database persistenc solution for EMF using Hibernate or EclipseLink http://eclipse.org/modeling/emft/?project=teneo
Test and Performance Tools Platform (TPTP) Tooling for profiling and testing applications http://eclipse.org/tptp
Xtext A framework for developing DSLs http://eclipse.org/xtext
Web Tools Platform (WTP) Code Web and Java EE applications http://eclipse.org/webtools

Table 1. Android SDK networking packages
Package Description
java.net Provides networking-related classes, including stream and datagram sockets, Internet Protocol, and generic HTTP handling. This is the multipurpose networking resource. Experienced Java developers can create applications right away with this familiar package.
java.io Though not explicitly networking, it's very important. Classes in this package are used by sockets and connections provided in other Java packages. They're also used for interacting with local files (a frequent occurrence when interacting with the network).
java.nio Contains classes that represent buffers of specific data types. Handy for network communications between two Java language-based end points.
org.apache.* Represents a number of packages that provide fine control and functions for HTTP communications. You might recognize Apache as the popular open source Web server.
android.net Contains additional network access sockets beyond the core java.net.* classes. This package includes the URI class, which is used frequently in Android application development beyond traditional networking.
android.net.http Contains classes for manipulating SSL certificates.
android.net.wifi Contains classes for managing all aspects of WiFi (802.11 wireless Ethernet) on the Android platform. Not all devices are equipped with WiFi capability, particularly as Android makes headway in the "flip-phone" strata of cell phones from manufacturers like Motorola and LG.
android.telephony.gsm Contains classes required for managing and sending SMS (text) messages. Over time, an additional package will likely be introduced to provide similar functions on non-GSM networks, such as CDMA, or something like android.telephony.cdma.
However, sometimes your application might need to send XML to a remote server. 그러나, 가끔은 당신의 어플리케이션이 원격서버로 XML를 보내야 할 필요가 있다 You can obviously just use a StringBuilder or something similar to create an XML string. 당신은 명확하게 스트링빌더를 사용하거나 XML스트링을 유사하게 만든다. Another alternative comes from the pull parser
private String writeXml(List messages){
    XmlSerializer serializer = Xml.newSerializer();
    StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
    try {
        serializer.startDocument("UTF-8", true);
        serializer.startTag("", "messages");
        serializer.attribute("", "number", String.valueOf(messages.size()));
        for (Message msg: messages){
            serializer.startTag("", "message");
            serializer.attribute("", "date", msg.getDate());
            serializer.startTag("", "title");
            serializer.endTag("", "title");
            serializer.startTag("", "url");
            serializer.endTag("", "url");
            serializer.startTag("", "body");
            serializer.endTag("", "body");
            serializer.endTag("", "message");
        serializer.endTag("", "messages");
        return writer.toString();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

'0.일반개발' 카테고리의 다른 글

이클립스 ( version Helios 헬리오스 )  (0) 2010.09.20
안드로이드 SDK networking pakages  (0) 2010.09.20
XML 리소스 파일  (0) 2010.09.20
네트워크 상태  (0) 2010.09.20
쓰레드, UI Non Block HTTP Html Download SaveFile  (0) 2010.09.20
private String getEventsFromAnXML(Activity activity)  
  throws XmlPullParserException, IOException  
  StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();   
  Resources res = activity.getResources();   
  XmlResourceParser xpp = res.getXml(R.xml.myxml);   
  int eventType = xpp.getEventType();   
  while (eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) 

    if(eventType == XmlPullParser.START_DOCUMENT)    
      stringBuffer.append("--- Start XML ---");    
    else if(eventType == XmlPullParser.START_TAG)    
      stringBuffer.append("\nSTART_TAG: "+xpp.getName());
    else if(eventType == XmlPullParser.END_TAG) 
      stringBuffer.append("\nEND_TAG: "+xpp.getName());    
    else if(eventType == XmlPullParser.TEXT) 
      stringBuffer.append("\nTEXT: "+xpp.getText());    
    eventType = xpp.next();   
  stringBuffer.append("\n--- End XML ---");   
  return stringBuffer.toString();  

'0.일반개발' 카테고리의 다른 글

안드로이드 SDK networking pakages  (0) 2010.09.20
Writing XML with pull parser  (0) 2010.09.20
네트워크 상태  (0) 2010.09.20
쓰레드, UI Non Block HTTP Html Download SaveFile  (0) 2010.09.20
브라우저 벤치마크  (0) 2010.09.20
Button goButton= (Button) findViewById(R.id.go);

goButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

  public void onClick(View v) {
    ConnectivityManager  cm= (ConnectivityManager) getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
    NetworkInfo  wifi_info= cm.getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI);
    boolean  isWifiAvail= wifi_info.isAvailable();
    boolean  isWifiConn= wifi_info.isConnected();
    NetworkInfo  mobile_info= cm.getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE);
    boolean  isMobileAvail= mobile_info.isAvailable();
    boolean  isMobileConn= mobile_info.isConnected();
    text_switcher.setText("WiFi\nAvail= "+ isWifiAvail+ "\nConn= " + isWifiConn+
    "\nMobile\nAvail= "+ isMobileAvail+ "\nConn= " + isMobileConn);

'0.일반개발' 카테고리의 다른 글

Writing XML with pull parser  (0) 2010.09.20
XML 리소스 파일  (0) 2010.09.20
쓰레드, UI Non Block HTTP Html Download SaveFile  (0) 2010.09.20
브라우저 벤치마크  (0) 2010.09.20
Android: 3D tunnel demo with OpenGL ES  (0) 2010.09.18
C# 다른 쓰레드에서 UI 위의 객체를 호출할때... 웹을 통해 결과 페이지를 출력하고 출력된 HTML 텍스트를 저장하기
        void displayText(String msg)




파일 저장 하기
       protected void savefile(string savename, string html)
            FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(savename + ".htm", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
            StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(fileStream, Encoding.GetEncoding("EUC-KR"));



       protected void SendSMS(string htmlfile)

            HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest =
                (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http://www.abc.com/" + htmlfile + ".htm");
            // 인코딩 1 - UTF-8

            //httpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8";
            // 인코딩 2 - EUC-KR

            httpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8";
            httpWebRequest.Method = "POST";

            Stream requestStream = httpWebRequest.GetRequestStream();


            HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpWebRequest.GetResponse();
            StreamReader streamReader = 
                new StreamReader(httpWebResponse.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.GetEncoding("EUC-KR"));    
            // Encoding.GetEncoding("EUC-KR")
            string html = streamReader.ReadToEnd();

            //text.Value = html;



'0.일반개발' 카테고리의 다른 글

XML 리소스 파일  (0) 2010.09.20
네트워크 상태  (0) 2010.09.20
브라우저 벤치마크  (0) 2010.09.20
Android: 3D tunnel demo with OpenGL ES  (0) 2010.09.18
Archos 10.1 inches screen Android tablet  (0) 2010.09.18
Canvas CSS3 HTML5 3D HTML5 기반의 모바일 웹 개발에 대한 발표를 하면서 데모로 만들어 본 3D 치아 모델링에 대한 동영상이다. HTML5 Canvas와 CSS3 Transition 효과를 이용한 것

SunSpider JavaScript Benchmark ( In Progress...)


RESULTS (means and 95% confidence intervals)
Total:                 4470.2ms +/- 1.7%

  3d:                   550.0ms +/- 3.2%
    cube:               184.4ms +/- 4.7%
    morph:              153.2ms +/- 6.0%
    raytrace:           212.4ms +/- 5.0%

  access:               874.6ms +/- 2.8%
    binary-trees:       140.4ms +/- 0.5%
    fannkuch:           400.0ms +/- 4.4%
    nbody:              218.6ms +/- 6.2%
    nsieve:             115.6ms +/- 9.2%

  bitops:               668.2ms +/- 2.3%
    3bit-bits-in-byte:  106.2ms +/- 8.7%
    bits-in-byte:       115.2ms +/- 15.0%
    bitwise-and:        268.8ms +/- 3.2%
    nsieve-bits:        178.0ms +/- 5.7%

  controlflow:          112.2ms +/- 7.9%
    recursive:          112.2ms +/- 7.9%

  crypto:               346.8ms +/- 2.7%
    aes:                153.0ms +/- 5.9%
    md5:                 96.6ms +/- 8.9%
    sha1:                97.2ms +/- 9.2%

  date:                 362.2ms +/- 6.0%
    format-tofte:       193.4ms +/- 9.2%
    format-xparb:       168.8ms +/- 5.3%

  math:                 490.6ms +/- 3.7%
    cordic:             209.2ms +/- 4.8%
    partial-sums:       143.8ms +/- 6.4%
    spectral-norm:      137.6ms +/- 11.8%

  regexp:               193.6ms +/- 8.9%
    dna:                193.6ms +/- 8.9%

  string:               872.0ms +/- 0.9%
    base64:             165.4ms +/- 6.5%
    fasta:              215.6ms +/- 7.5%
    tagcloud:           175.0ms +/- 14.3%
    unpack-code:        147.0ms +/- 7.3%
    validate-input:     169.0ms +/- 9.7%

'0.일반개발' 카테고리의 다른 글

네트워크 상태  (0) 2010.09.20
쓰레드, UI Non Block HTTP Html Download SaveFile  (0) 2010.09.20
Android: 3D tunnel demo with OpenGL ES  (0) 2010.09.18
Archos 10.1 inches screen Android tablet  (0) 2010.09.18
bit.ly  (0) 2010.09.17
       protected void SendReq(string htmlfile)

            HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest =
                (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http://www.abc.co.kr/" + htmlfile + ".htm");
            // 인코딩 1 - UTF-8

            //httpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8";
            // 인코딩 2 - EUC-KR

            httpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8";
            httpWebRequest.Method = "POST";

            Stream requestStream = httpWebRequest.GetRequestStream();


            HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpWebRequest.GetResponse();
            StreamReader streamReader = 
                new StreamReader(httpWebResponse.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.GetEncoding("EUC-KR"));    
            // Encoding.GetEncoding("EUC-KR")
            string html = streamReader.ReadToEnd();

            //text.Value = html;

        protected void savefile(string savename, string html)
            FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(savename + ".htm", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
            StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(fileStream, Encoding.GetEncoding("EUC-KR"));



'0.일반개발 > Forms' 카테고리의 다른 글

DataSet DataTable DataView  (0) 2010.09.12
간단한 자동 업데이트 프로그램  (0) 2010.09.12


As promised, here is my personal implementation of a small 3D tunnel demo in Android, with support of OpenGL ES. I have never coded in OpenGL ES before and the first impact was negative, shortly: I don’t like it! Compared with OpenGL (standard version), ES has some limitations, in particular on direct vertex handling. Crudely, the glBegin/glEnd and glVertex## functions are missing. The intensive use of “buffers” (java.nio.Buffer) to render textures and primitives, with all it’s subclasses (ByteBuffer, CharBuffer, DoubleBuffer, FloatBuffer, IntBuffer, LongBuffer and ShortBuffer), is a useless waste of time and memory, in my humble opinion. If you must dynamically build your 3D object, for example to make a morphing mesh like my tunnel, you’ll go crazy. In fact you should hold a copy of vertices in Java memory (for example a float[] array) and a copy of vertices in system memory (a ByteBuffer object instantiated with allocateDirect); then for each frame you must re-calculate the vertices and blit them from the array in Java memory to the buffer in system memory. What the fuck… Alternatively you can use the putFloat method directly on the ByteBuffer object, due to eliminate the Java array, but this is fucking slow compared with a single put method call. I haven’t spent so much time on this topic, probably exists a “cool” method to eliminate that blit phase, please leave me a comment if you knows. I am almost sure, to speed-up an OpenGL system on a mobile device, the best way is hold 3D engine data in system memory, that’s the reason of buffers use. An easy task instead, is hooking the OpenGL surface with a View object. You can also render your OpenGL scene and then write some graphics using the Canvas methods on the same surface: COOL 8) Next time I’ll do further experiments on OpenGL ES, maybe I’m wrong.

Ok, attached in this post you’ll find the complete source code of my 3D tunnel. Code is not very clean and commented, but you can take a look if you wish: feel free to download and use it. Please, leave me a comment: your ideas will be appreciated!

I got it running in 1.5(cup cake) by making the following changes to the AMain and GLView classes.

public class AMain extends Activity{

private GLSurfaceView mGLView;

/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

mGLView = new GLSurfaceView(this);
mGLView.setRenderer(new GLView(this));

protected void onPause() {

protected void onResume() {


public class GLView implements GLSurfaceView.Renderer{

private Context mContext;
private Tunnel3D tunnel;
private boolean created;
private GL10 gl;
private int w;
private int h;
private Bitmap bmp;
private int tex;

public GLView (Context context)
mContext = context;

// Internal members..
tunnel = new Tunnel3D (10, 20);
created = false;


public void onSurfaceCreated(GL10 gl, EGLConfig config) {
created = true;

// Enabling the state…
gl.glEnable (GL10.GL_DEPTH_TEST);
gl.glEnable (GL10.GL_TEXTURE_2D);
gl.glEnableClientState (GL10.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
gl.glEnableClientState (GL10.GL_COLOR_ARRAY);
gl.glEnableClientState (GL10.GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);

// Loading texture…
bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeResource (mContext.getResources(), R.drawable.plants03);
tex = loadTexture (gl, bmp);


public void onSurfaceChanged(GL10 gl, int width, int height) {
this.w = width;
this.h = height;

public void onDrawFrame(GL10 gl) {

// Check the created flag…
boolean c = false;
synchronized (this)
c = created;
if (!c) return; 

// Setting up the projection…
float ratio = (float)w / h;
gl.glMatrixMode (GL10.GL_PROJECTION);
gl.glLoadIdentity ();
gl.glViewport (0, 0, w, h);
GLU.gluPerspective (gl, 45.0f, ((float)w)/h, 1f, 100f);

// Setting up the modelview…
gl.glMatrixMode (GL10.GL_MODELVIEW);
gl.glLoadIdentity ();

// Clear the z-buffer…

// Render the tunnel…
tunnel.render (gl, -1.6f);
tunnel.nextFrame ();

// OpenGL finish
gl.glFlush ();
gl.glFinish (); 


private int loadTexture (GL10 gl, Bitmap bmp)
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(bmp.getHeight()*bmp.getWidth()*4);
IntBuffer ib = bb.asIntBuffer();

for (int y=0;y

'0.일반개발' 카테고리의 다른 글

쓰레드, UI Non Block HTTP Html Download SaveFile  (0) 2010.09.20
브라우저 벤치마크  (0) 2010.09.20
Archos 10.1 inches screen Android tablet  (0) 2010.09.18
bit.ly  (0) 2010.09.17
안드로이드 플로요 2.2  (0) 2010.09.17

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